Zest of Love Cranberry Shake

Do you have leftover cranberries from Thanksgiving?  Is your local grocery store running a sale to on them to get rid of their stock?  Or do you just love fresh cranberries? I have a treat for you! In your high powered blender (Vitamix!) 1 small lemon (the whole...


I am so loving that I get to do these giveaway contests of my absolute favorite products! This week’s comes to you from E3Live.  Their products are incredible and I can truly vouch for how well they work.  I was introduced to them in 2007 by a nutritional guru...

soothing cinnamon shake

Last night I got home from an evening yoga class feeling completely blissed, but also starving!  I didn’t want to eat anything too heavy and I didn’t want to eat anything that would keep me awake.  It was 10pm already and I have been having a challenge...

Somebody say “Kale Chips” a video documentary…

I woke up at 12:15am after going to sleep at 11pm, soooooo I chose to upload some video that I shot on my tour last month with Jason Mraz. Somebody say “kale chips”.  A journey in making kale chips for Willie Nelson in my hotel room for Farm Aid. Please...

kale addiction

I love my kale.  Especially, my massaged kale salads.  Lately, I find myself making this new conconction and savoring every bit of it…I even wipe the edges of the bowl clean, not with my sponge… I start with 1 head of kale chopped and placed in a good...

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