Feb 22, 2018 | Health + Wellness, Motherhood
You guys, the rumors I have heard for years have begun to ring true in our house. Zia, now two years old who used to eat everything, all the veggies, is now becoming a lover of all things beige colored and resists pretty much all things green and orange. She wants...
Feb 18, 2018 | Dear Diary, Health + Wellness
I have been feeling productive lately and that feeling is something I am super proud of. Honestly, the feeling of being productive, may actually be better than being productive. HA! But do you know what I mean? Often times we are productive, juggling a bajillion...
Dec 15, 2017 | Health + Wellness, Motherhood
My favorite items for new moms/mom’s to be and babies! Baby Bjorn Bouncer It is a sleek design, doesn’t take power, is super simple and both my babies have loved it more than all the fancy electronic chairs. AND it collapses easy for travel. It comes in...
Nov 22, 2016 | Health + Wellness
You can not always control which thoughts come into your mind, but you can control which stay.
Nov 19, 2016 | Health + Wellness
You know you best. Always remember that. — And often times when people make up an opinion about you that you don’t feel is true it’s more about them, then it is about you. — keeping being you.
Sep 30, 2014 | Health + Wellness
You guys, it’s fall! I love summer. I love the beach. I love the warmth. I love a nice glass of chilled rose’ on a hot summer evening. But…I really love fall, too. I love getting cozy in a sweater and boots and warming up with a blanket. I...