Feb 5, 2011 | Health + Wellness
Happy February! I am celebrating my birth month by doing giveaways with my favorite companies! Next one up, Healthforce Nutrition’s Warrior Food Vanilla Enhanced 1000 grams. You know I don’t go anywhere with out their Vitamineral Green powder, well the...
Feb 1, 2011 | Health + Wellness
I have been a fan of Kookie Karma since 2004, I believe. I turned gluten-free that year to manage my fibromyalgia and was always on the lookout for treats that I could eat, but many of them were dry and well, blah. They also had tons and tons of ingredients in them to...
Dec 13, 2010 | Health + Wellness
Tahini, tahini, tahini you are my favorite. I am calling this a topper and not a dressing because in my mind dressings are for salads and I love to top my meals with this sauce whether they are salads or not. This is one of the simplest to make, in fact when I am on...
Nov 27, 2010 | Dear Diary
We, as people really seem to love to judge. I witness Raw foodists judging vegans. I witness Vegans judging vegetarians. I witness Vegetarians judging meat eaters. I witness meat eaters judging non-meat eaters. I witness the health conscious judging the...
Nov 26, 2010 | Health + Wellness
Ok, so, you hear me talking about E3Live a lot! You have heard my story with it and I have done a giveaway to 3 lucky winners with their products. Today, I am sharing because they are having a special holiday sale, from today to Monday November 29th at midnight PST...