Pull it out. — #tuesdaytip

Oil Pulling has been getting a lot of coverage in the last year.   I am happy to hear and see it, but I know many are still hesitant.    I first heard of this traditional ayurvedic practice from a good friend on our girlfriend email chain where we share recipes and...

You’re hot then you’re cold….#tuesdaytip

Winter is in full bloom.  We are finally even feeling some chills even here in Southern California!  With cold weather always comes those cold and flu bugs that we all love so much.  They seem to pop up when we think we have them beat.  They show up when we have a...

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate #tuesdaytip

Water. We all know it does our body good to drink it, but yet it is easy to forget.   You may keep a glass of water or a refillable bottle on you at all times, but are you actually drinking the water that is in it all day long? What does water do for us? keeps our...

Warm Yourself Up. – #tuesdaytip

It is winter.  In most parts of the country it is frigid.  Here in California, it was 80 today.  But it still gets cooler here at night and my house locks in the cold.  So, even if it tank top weather outside, inside I am often wearing fleece lined slippers, a hoodie...

Make it a Double – #Tuesday Tip

Let’s be honest. Sometimes I just feel too lazy to make a green smoothie or a kale salad.  I just want to run out the door and be on my way or I just want to stuff the first thing that I see in my face. I don’t even want to take 3 minutes to throw a bunch...

Juice Served Here ~ WIAW

This Wednesday’s fuel was brought to me exclusively from Juice Served Here a newer juice company on the LA scene.   It was day 3 of a little 3 day cleanse and I was feeling great! From the first time I saw their classy glass bottles, sassy juice names, and sleek...

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