
We all know it does our body good to drink it, but yet it is easy to forget.   You may keep a Joy_1_liter_16oz_grandeglass of water or a refillable bottle on you at all times, but are you actually drinking the water that is in it all day long?

What does water do for us?

  • keeps our skin clear and hydrated
  • keeps us regular
  • increases energy
  • flushes out toxins
  • helps our organs function

Water is a great cure all.

  • Have a headache?  – drink water
  • Digestion not going so smoothly?  – drink water
  • Having brain fog, just feeling out of it?  – drink water
  • Feel like you eat your own arm off you are so hungry? – drink water

But, of course all of these things are much better managed if you just watch your intake.  When I did the Aids Life Cycle bike ride from San Francisco to LA a few years back they taught us that if you wait to take a drink of water until you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated.   Wowza.  That is something that has stayed imprinted on my mind.

So, when I am working out and working at my laptop, I make sure to keep up a regular intake of water.  I do not wait until I get thirsty.

At home I drink out of a large mason jar with a glass straw.  The glass straw makes me 31Iirtmk07L._SX425_drink more water.  Maybe I am just lazy and the fact that I don’t have to pick up the glass helps, but I believe that using the straw doubles the amount of water I drink.

Get yourself a great reusable bpa free water bottle and always leave home with it full.  Keep a glass of water near you at all times.

90% of the time when you feel like you have a hunger that can not be quenched, you are imagesreally dehydrated!

Drink it up!

And if the water flavor is too boring for you add fresh herbs, fruit, cucumbers, lemon, lime.

Change it up, but remember to keep it up!

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