Winter is in full bloom.  We are finally even feeling some chills even here in Southern California!  With cold weather always comes those cold and flu bugs that we all love so Unknown-1much.  They seem to pop up when we think we have them beat.  They show up when we have a special weekend planned, or a big work project.  Often times they show up when we have worn ourselves ragged, of course.  As it is easier for the bugs to attack an exhausted body.

So, this week’s Tuesday tip is an immunity booster, energy booster, detox booster, and a circulation booster.  Who doesn’t want all of that?!?!

It is something that we all have access to, you will not need to go and buy anything,  and it will only take a couple of minutes.  It is super easy!  So, what is the catch?  You will have to be just a tad uncomfortable, but only for two minutes!  You can do anything for two minutes!  So, what it is it, you ask?

A hot and cold shower!  First, start with a comfortable temperature getting yourself wet, imagesthen bring up the temperature to as hot as you can stand and stay under for at least 30 seconds.  Then,  quickly dial the temperature to as cold as you can handle, and again stand under for at least 30 seconds.   Then alternate back and forth.  If you can stay under for 1-2 minutes under each temperature that is even better.   Also, the hotter the better and the colder the better.  It is for your own good!  You can do it!

How does it work?  The hot water has relaxing properties, helping to reduce stress. Cold water helps relieve inflammation and stimulates the removal of toxins from elimination organs like the skin and lymph.   The extremes of hot and cold water cause your muscles to expand and contract which creates a gentle detoxification as toxins are squeezed from your muscles.

It also improves circulation and the benefits of improved circulation shouldn’t be underestimated. When your body has poor circulation, it’s impeded in delivering fresh blood to all areas of the body. As a result, the body can’t cleanse the blocked and stagnant areas regularly – and toxins, filth and disease accumulate in these oxygen and fresh blood deprived areas.

So, what are you waiting for!  Add this easy and accessible tip into your routine!  Sure you will be a little uncomfortable but the benefits much out weigh the brief discomfort!


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