Saturday, I was majorly craving french fries and not just any fries but my favorite fries from a local restaurant that even makes their own ketchup and other dipping sauces, it is all soooo good.  BUT, it was a Saturday and I don’t go to that restaurant on weekends.   I only go during the week for Happy Hour because the french fries are half off and at half off they are just about a normal price for french fries (They are $9!!!!).

My kids and I eat dinner at 5pm so going for Happy hour works perfect!  I get the half off fries and a fresh delicious salad topped with their fresh catch of the day.  I LOVE it.  I love the restaurant.  I love the food.  I love the atmosphere.  I always feel great while eating and after.  I feel taken care of and welcome (even with a 1 and 3 year old). They grow their own food.  We sit outside and the kids can run around before the food comes as it is all open.   The whole experience brings me joy but it’s those fries that always make me crave the experience and get us to the restaurant.

But again it was Saturday… not my usual day to go, so I thought ok, I am not going there and getting full price fries, but I do want fries and man after a full week at home just me and the kids it be nice to not cook one meal.  Where else can we go tonight that would be easy and have GOOD fries?  I thought of another spot that has some decent fries and the kids like and then thought but what else would I eat?  Their salads/food don’t taste as fresh… so what else would I get?  I often actually kind of feel sick after eating there….so really I’d rather not. I started looking up new restaurants to try.  I thought well maybe we will just stay home and I can make my own sweet potato fries, because I do have sweet potatoes but not regular ones.

And then I had an AHA..WHY am I not just saying YES to what I want? To what I know will leave me feeling fulfilled, to what I know I am searching for.  I can just go get what I want  or I can go get something that costs less  but will likely have me still longing for what I really want.

Yes I am talking about french fries…but so much more.

WHY, why, why…do we choose the safer, less risk, less money (or no money) option which likely won’t get us the results that we desire….instead of taking the freaking leap and saying YES to what has the higher/highest possibility of getting us to what we are seeking?  

I say less risk..because it feels more comfortable to spend less money or no money (especially if you are like me and really pay attention to where every dollar goes) but really maybe it is actually more of a risk to not invest in what we want.  So, I go and get myself some $4 fries because that feels safer but then I am still chasing the desire for those $9 fries I still freaking want because the other one didn’t fill the void… In fact it kind of made me mad that they weren’t as good as the ones I really wanted.


So, yes I went and got those $9 french fries and enjoyed every freaking bite of them and the homemade ketchup and the whole experience.  I don’t want to waste my time, my money, my life on things that could scratch an itch when I know deep down how I can actually fix the itch…. You know?

What I am saying is…I get it.  I know that it can be challenging to get out of your comfort zone, to say YES to something, to commit to something that could have a huge impact on your life...but that means you have to get a little (or a lot) uncomfortable, to take some type of risk…but

Before you say to no to whatever it is, take yourself down both paths.  The safer path that you know but isn’t giving you the results that you want or the path that excites something in you, that is full of possibilities, that is inline with what you desire?

You know me.. I am always reminding you that this is YOUR life and that it does not come with an expiration date.  Don’t take it for granted!  Listen to and TRUST the little nudges that you hear that tell you to go for it.  

You are worthy of those $9 fries and you better freaking savor them instead of feeling guilty for indulging in them!

Live your life and freaking ENJOY IT!

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