So, I love love love to share about food and how I eat, BUT I rarely use recipes or measure anything I do. I am now choosing to share with you food diaries and unrecipe recipes. I will share what I used and explain my process, but most likely will not have measurements for you. This way you still get a look into my way of cooking and eating and you get to make it your own and edit it for the number you are cooking. Hooray to sharing and inviting creativity!
I am currently living in a lovely town in Sicily, Italy, called Marsala. I am loving using fresh and local ingredients here! Here is a look into my yesterday and today.
No matter where I am in the world, I love to start my day with fresh lemon squeezed into water. I am currently lucky to be staying where a lemon tree grows right outside! So, I go pluck a lemon or two first then and boil up some water.
I used a hand blender to make a green shake!
homemade almond milk
2 handfuls of fresh spinach
1/2 a banana
1 tbsp Vitamineral Green powder
1 1/2 tsp- ish of green stevia powder (this is a half of a teaspoon, not one and a half btw)
Blended away and ultra delicious, nutritious, and filling!
I sauteed fresh garlic, eggplant and zucchini fresh from the garden in local olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
Served over lettuce from the garden here.
Topped it with chickpeas that I sprouted earlier in the week and parsley from the garden.
Added a side of leftover cabbage salad I made earlier in the week. Cabbage, apple cider vinegar, raw honey, olive oil, sea salt, marinated and delicious.
Yesterday’s dinner was a frozen Gluten free Italian style pizza that I drizzled with olive oil before firing. I did not take a photo, but I sure enjoyed it
I also
munched on some amazing hard cheese from Sardinia last night with raw honey and apple.
Today, I started my day with a Wildbar. I brought a few cases with me….
At lunch I took advantage of the abundant parsley growing here and made up a sauce in the food processer.
big bunch of parsley
olive oil
1 clove garlic
sea salt
about 1/4 cup of water
I found quinoa at a little store in the city center, where I also found a diffuser to use for my essential oils.
I cooked up the quinoa and another batch of garlic, eggplant, and zucchini. When both pots were cooked, I added quinoa to the veggies, added in the rest of my fresh spinach and some of my new verde sauce creation. Stirred them together and put a little heat on it to wilt the spinach just a bit.
Then served myself and topped with my sprouted chickpeas again. I make up I will eat this again for dinner, it was freaking delicious and I have quinoa and sauce left over, may change up the veggie contingent though.
After lunch, I wondered over to this tree and picked some of these berries, that do not have an English name as far as I know. I stand under the tree plucking ripe berries and popping them into my mouth as I giggle, feeling a bit like Adam and Eve. I love it.
I then had a little espresso and cracked a walnut because, well it looked fun and it was and now I expect to obsessed with walnuts in a shell.
I am very much enjoying my time here and I am so grateful that I get to be here!
ah-mazing! love reading your posts, just finished a 20 day all raw full body detox and feeling great! its so nice to take a break! super happy for you to be in eataly! by the way those are mulberries! its a mulberry tree! i love them and the trees get HUGE!!! xo from nyc!
xo Justin! They do look like mulberries, but taste different and the Italians tell me they are not mulberries! They are white and less sweet, but must be very similar.
Everything I just read sounds yummy! I am going to go and make me a green shake right now!
Ah I love this! I am traveling/eating vicariously through you! I can’t wait to go home and cook now 🙂
I am eating more raw food now and it feels great!
looking forward for more food diaries and raw unrecipe recipes on your site. 🙂
Thanks Tricia for sharing!
Gorgeous Display! Lovely pics and mouthwatering too. Glad u had fun in the “old country.”xoxo