Jul 23, 2019 | Dear Diary
Yesterday, I felt terrible. It wasn’t my best day. I didn’t feel great in my body, but I also didn’t feel great in my mind. I felt a real struggle with feeling like I was doing “enough” and being “enough”. I put that word...
Jul 31, 2018 | Dear Diary
This past week (maybe more) has felt harder in many ways. I am still doing work that I love. I am still taking care of myself. I am still doing all the things for my kids and laughing and snuggling with them. I am still thriving on working with my clients and...
May 16, 2017 | Your Joyologist-ISMs
What already happened, already happened. What will happen, will happen. Keep your mind focused on the now not worrying about what may or may not happen and especially not dwelling on what already has. In this moment you are unlimited!
Feb 19, 2017 | Your Joyologist-ISMs
And if they don’t….kick them the fuck out! Your thoughts run your life. If you are letting the shitty (and often false) ones to run your life you will never ever be fulfilled or happy. This is a huge part of my Be Your Own Joyologist Program. Diving into...
Jan 31, 2017 | Your Joyologist-ISMs
Mantra for the week.