Around the same time that I banished the word “should” from my vocabulary a new word appeared, “perfect”. Suddenly everything is perfect, and all of those perfects are said in a grateful, loving tone, not a sarcastic, eye-rolling one. My computer falls onto the floor and breaks, perfect. I get back from a walk right as the rain starts, perfect. I get to the exact midpoint of a walk and the rain starts, perfect. I miss my train by 60 seconds, perfect. I am open and receiving to whatever the universe hands me. I knew and do know that everything is perfect.

This word has suddenly re-appeared in my life full-force again (YAY!) It never fully went away, but now it is back on top, ever present in all of my day and I am happy to have it back. Life is perfect. However it comes at me, whatever it brings me, it is all perfect and I greet it with a smile and a warm hug.

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