God. Just look at me now. Sitting on rocks watching seagulls. Sitting in perfect stillness. Me, who used to micro-manage a million things. Me, who used to move so fast that it was practically useless to offer me help as I would finish my part and then loop around to redo yours. Me, who would take care of my job, but ask you a million questions as my production manager/stage manager/tour manager to make sure that you were on top of yours. Me, who would work 18 hour days, backed by 22 hour days and ask for more work. Me, who never understood what “stop and smell the flowers” meant as I never stopped. Yeah, those flowers are pretty, lets keep it moving.

I love all of those versions of me. I love the current version of me. I know those parts are still inside of me and will pop out sometimes, when needed or not. I love that I am “subject to change”.

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