You may be a fan of Perez, you may love to hate Perez, you may be completely repulsed by Perez, but regardless of your opinion of him I invite you to watch this video.  I applaud him  in acknowledging and stepping into being the change that he wants to see in the world (and also for using that very cheezy, yet powerful line).

It is one thing to acknowledge it for himself and to start to make changes on how he handles his gossip site and himself, but it is another thing to step up and be vulnerable, to admit fault and to just be transparent.

Perez admits to bullying celebrities throughout the years and, although he claims it’s always been in jest, has vowed to never again play the role of bully.

“I need to…do a bigger part,” says Hilton. “I need to be the change that I want to see. I need to be the solution and not part of the problem.”

“That time is now. I’m ready to grow. And I hope you will grow with me. I hope that I can do good in this world — more than just entertain. I really want to inpsire people and make the world a better place — I really do. And I hope I can do that. I’m gonna work really hard to do that.”

What can you take ownership in your life?  How do you show up for the world around you?  Do you want to be a part of the change that you want to see in the world?

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