I find it completely amusing that I am constantly searching out eco items for my new home by either driving around town to find them or ordering them online to be shipped across the country padded in lots of packaging. Hmmmm. Not sure how much sense that makes. I was quite surprised that is not very easy to find items made from non-leaching plastic or made from recycled products. I was planning on buying lining for my kitchen shelves and a protector covering for my kitchen sink and just assumed that there would be eco choices for these. Nope and nope. So, I have not bought any.

So what do I do? Walk to my local store and buy plastic items or order more conscious items from Amazon.com and other online retailers with free shipping but lots of cardboard and fuel to get them to me?

It makes me wonder how much effort goes into making goods out of recycled materials? Does it take a lot of time and machine work to manufacture these things? What is the deal? A couple of months ago I went to Verizon to get my phone looked at and the girl helping me told me that phone covers were on clearance if I wanted one. I did not have one on my phone and I do drop it a lot. So, I picked one out and slipped it on. Almost immediately I stopped using it though, because it felt so gross to me to touch. It is an awful plastic material, that felt gross to my touch. Why aren’t there phone covers made out of recycled goods? I am sure they are out there, but I want to see them in every phone and apple store.

Today I was searching for a duster (via bicycle) like an old school duster so that I can dust my table without removing all of my stones and random bits from it. I did not realize that what I was thinking of is made of ostrich feathers. Really? I don’t know if I can do that. I mean I do wear leather, I don’t smother myself in it, but I do own some and I do wear it. Ostrich feathers to clean my table though? I don’t know if that is necessary. And the handle was made from plastic. So I didn’t get it.

What is the deal with plastic anyway? Would it be better if I had a wood handle? But then aren’t we trying to save the trees? I need to educate myself.

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