Well hello there.  I had a baby and I blinked and she is 8 months old and I half of 2016 has gone by.  I mean we all say that time goes by fast, but I am really feeling it this year.

It feels like I was just hustling my butt off to get out the thousands of orders that were coming in to my shop for Christmas and now it is already the time of year that editors are putting together Holiday Gift Lists! Yes, it seriously happens that early!

When I truly realized how fast this year has gone by already this weekend and started to think about sending my products out with hopes of them being featured in gift guides, and wanting new products for the holidays and keeping in line with the growth of a product based business…I asked myself.

“Is this still what I want?  Is this still my dream?”

This is something I make sure to do, to re-elvalute my dreams.  Something I never used to think would be necessary.  We have a dream, we go after it, we make it come true, we keep going… And going and going and going….right?

But the thing is we change.  We grow.  We evolve.  And sometimes that means our dreams change.  Mine have several times.  Some of those times were after a dream was achieved.  I worked hard to make it happen, it did, I loved it, but then I outgrew it or a new dream appeared.

Other times, I had a dream was completely lit up by it, worked towards it, told everyone I knew I was going to make it happen…and then something shifted and I realized it wasn’t truly what I wanted anymore.  And that it was okay.  That I wasn’t giving up on a dream, I had simply outgrown it or re-realized it in a different way, or even was like wait that isn’t what I thought it was….. ha!

What I am saying is…

You are allowed to change your mind.   You are allowed to stop chasing a dream without feeling like you failed or gave up.    (click to tweet)

I let my mind cycle though some dreams that I have had floating about for a while last night while I was in the shower.  Some are dreams from a decade ago.  Some are new.  But I let them all float up to the surface and asked myself what do I want right now?

I allowed myself to re-evaluate my dreams and let go of any expectations I had for myself and these dreams.  And I highly recommend you do this yourself.

We are allowed to outgrow our dreams.  We are allowed to change our minds.  We are allowed to simply enjoy the now without feeling guilt that we aren’t working towards any dream.  Often times we are working towards a dream without even realizing it!

What if you are living your dream, right now?  Can you let yourself actually appreciate it?  Without feeling like there is some other level you must get to???

I am living my dream.  And maybe I just needed to write this all out to remind me.  I am living my dream.  This really, truly is what I want.  Sure I may have more dreams for the future, but right now is pretty amazing. Yes, I could be working harder to grow my product line, but I am also really enjoying motherhood which is my biggest dream ever.

I am living my dream. How about you?



FYI!  A summer round of my Be Your Own Joyologist Program is opening soon!  Sign up here to be the first to know and get a special offer.   We talk about dreams there and how to truly to tap in to finding out what yours are!  And so much more.

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