My body is all out of whack.

I landed in Cincinnati at 7pm Monday night, with a stomach that was still quite disturbed. On the way to my mom’s house I asked her to stop at the local Kroger’s so I could pick up some food. At the check-out stand I burst into laughter at my purchases, it was an odd cry from my usual load. Gluten-free bread, mac-n-cheese, kids cereal, vegan cookie dough ice cream, and almond milk ( I usually just eat things naturally gluten-free, not the substitutes). I just wanted bland, binding foods to try to slow down my trips to the toilet and honestly veggies did not look appetizing at all. I dined on the mac-n-cheese and some ice cream when we got home and then headed to bed around 9:30pm. I passed out rather quickly, but then woke up at 1am unable to get anymore shut eye. So, I had some cereal and wrote, searched the web, read and on and on until I finally fell back asleep at 8am. When I woke up again, I assumed it would be an hour or two later, but it was 4pm!!!!! Of all my steady traveling, I never suffer from time change and jet leg issues. Especially, since I barely slept during my 24 hour travel day, I did not expect this, but oh well.

My mom and step-dad returned from work a few hours later and my step-dad fixed himself a fried egg and tomato sandwich with a baked potato and to my surprise this looked mouth watering delicious to me! He was so delighted that I for once wanted to eat what he was having that he quickly fired up the same for me on my gluten-free bread. I haven’t eaten an egg in probably a year and was happy to see that my mom had purchased cage-free organic eggs in her motions to start eating more natural. I stayed up chatting and searching for apartments with them for a few hours and then we all retired by 10pm. I once again passed out quickly but then woke up at 1am again! My mom went to work at 5:30am today, and I was still up, so I drove her in to work. This way I can make a trip to whole foods to get myself some Kombucha and other random yet still mild items to sooth this tummy of mine! Right now I am craving fried potatoes, so weird for me! My mom got me two prescriptions for antibiotics (she’s a nurse) but I am not willing to go that route yet.

When my mom got out of the car and I switched over to the drivers seat, I started laughing like a joker, in an evil manner. For some reason the idea of being behind the wheel was a riot to me. Maybe because the navigation system of my heart has been rapidly changing direction so much lately, I was afraid it was going to lead me to driving who knows where. I pulled into drive and switched on her xm radio that happened to be set on a 90s pop station. Janet Jackson and Boys to Men filled the car and I started to sing my head off to my own delight. I have always told myself that I know I am truly happy when I belt it out in the car and this morning I was even adding dance moves.

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