Happy hands are on fire! I am so lit up inspired by everyone and everything! I am so excited for life, for the possibilities in life, for the struggles in life because it just brings on more life! I love it all. I am leaving Austin today to head back to San Diego and was just thinking about what I would do with my evening home. My new roomie will be out of town, so it occurred I could have a space to my own to just chill and be. That used to be my dream, to have everyone gone so that I could just be me and do whatever I felt.

The times have changed! Now, I am thinking, who can I see, who can I spend time with tonight? I am so inspired by all of life that I just want to be in it, with people, living it. I am me when I am with others, whether I know them or not. Living life everyday is what calls me into living up to the spirit abundance name that I have chosen as Love Inspiring. I can not be that on my own. Life calls me into being that. You all calling me into being that. If I was holed up to myself I think my inspiration would dwindle. I just started to try to write some of the things down that inspire me and the list was impossible so I will say this.

I am inspired by all that I see and all that I do not see.

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