First trip back to California, after moving to the city I had always dreamed of living (NYC).

I am returning a new person.  A new woman.  I am a woman now.  Not because I have hit the 30 year milestone, because I completely take ownership of my life, now.  There is nothing to prove, but everything to be.

I am proud.

I am strong.

I am compassionate.

I am a businesswoman.

I am an entrepreneur

I am a writer.

I am an author.

I am a communicator.

I am a powerful stance for life.

I am a powerful force of life.

I am laughter.

I am love.

I am creator.

I am spirit.

I am belief.

I am action.

I am unstoppable.

I am intuition.

I am passion.

I am mother.

I am friend.

I am community.

I am potty mouth.

I am past regrets.

I am past shame.

I am past blame.

I am past doubts.

I am a kick ass motherfucker.

I am my dreams.

I am connected.

I am open.

I am ready.

I am me.

I am you.

Seriously, this is going to be the reunion of my life.  I am here.  I am present.  I am not holding back.  I am a strong stance for life.  For mine, for theirs, for yours.

I am not afraid.  I am loved.  I am worthy.

Life happens everyday and I have lived a lot since I transported myself to NYC.  The living doesn’t just happen outside, it happens inside and it is always happening if you allow it.  Allow it.

I am doing a tap dance in my seat.

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