Mar 28, 2013 | Health + Wellness
Hello. Hello. Welcome to this week’s edition of WIAW! This week started of the same, as do most days with of course, lemon water! I then followed it up with my favorite tonic of hot water, lemon, ginger, turmeric, apple cider vinegar, and a touch of honey....
Jun 11, 2011 | Health + Wellness
I go through phases where I am milking a lot of nuts. Yes, that is what I said, milking a lot of nuts. I am currently in one of those phases. Over here in Italia my current breakfast is a green shake consisting of homemade almond milk, loads of spinach, half a...
Jun 11, 2011 | Health + Wellness
Please, spare three minutes of your precious time to watch this incredibly inspirational story of forgiveness. “Unforgiveness is like cancer, it will eat you from the inside out.” Mary Johnson is a forgiveness hero! Be a hero in your own life. Who can you...
May 31, 2011 | Health + Wellness
Alright! Alright! Excited for this one! If you have been following me at all it is very probably that you hear me speak, and speak highly about No More Dirty Looks. I discovered these ladies, their book, and their blog in January and have since been CLEAN, CLEAN,...
May 30, 2011 | Health + Wellness
Last week, the ultra inspiring Domino Project released their third title. First was Seth Godin’s Poke the Box, then Steven Pressfield’s Do the Work, and now Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Self-Reliance. This release is to celebrate Emerson’s 208th...
May 25, 2011 | Health + Wellness
So, I love love love to share about food and how I eat, BUT I rarely use recipes or measure anything I do. I am now choosing to share with you food diaries and unrecipe recipes. I will share what I used and explain my process, but most likely will not have...