Last night, as I walked home from a yummy slow flow yoga class (or really as I floated home), in the rain I happened to look up and see this sign taped up to the window of an  empty storefront, just above a dumpster.

It is not the thing I expect to see scrawled unto a piece of posterboard  and taped up to an empty building in my Upper East Side neighborhood.

I lit up immediately, of course I had to stop and take a picture of it and share with the world via twitter.   One of my friend’s tweeted back almost immediately that what I stumbled upon was actually the work of a famous New York artist, James De La Vega.  I google searched him immediately.  Sure enough, google images came up with many photos of “Become Your Dream” all over the city, many in chalk.   Some say that he is “probably the most revered street artist in New York.”

Even cooler, he also travels across the country as a motivational speaker. 

I am so so grateful to have taken the path home that I did last night, that I happened to look up when I did, and that James De La Vega is out in the world inspiring the masses with this simple, yet ultra powerful art statement.

Another example of the many ways that we all can make a difference in our own lives and in others.

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