May 17, 2017 | Your Joyologist-ISMs
Yes. Yes. Yes. I love reminding myself of this. I CAN make time for what I WANT to make time for. It’s so easy to make up excuses. Legit excuses that we act like we can’t surpass. But really we can call bullshit on all of our excuses and get real with...
May 16, 2017 | Your Joyologist-ISMs
What already happened, already happened. What will happen, will happen. Keep your mind focused on the now not worrying about what may or may not happen and especially not dwelling on what already has. In this moment you are unlimited!
May 12, 2017 | Your Joyologist-ISMs
Having a quiet solo morning to myself so started it out with some journaling and lemon water! When paging through an old journal to find open space i found these words I had scribbled into the page years ago. It’s so simple but so big. We make it all matter. We...
May 11, 2017 | Your Joyologist-ISMs
It’s your life. Are you running it? Or is it running you? Sure you have obligations to work and family and more but you always, always, always have choices! You can always prioritize what you want.
Jan 31, 2017 | Your Joyologist-ISMs
Mantra for the week.