spring cleaning isn’t just for your home

♥ FEELING MY WORDS? ♥ SAVE IT. SHARE IT. PIN IT.  (WITH CREDIT TO @YOURJOYOLOGIST PLEASE) F THE SHOULDS. DO THE WANTS.Forget what you have been told you should do or should be. Instead ask yourself, “What do I want? Learn how to listen to what it is that you truly...

How to move through the Ick.

I don’t know about you, but I am feeling a heaviness this week.  Some sort of funk.  Some sort of uncomfortable stillness. It doesn’t feel like much is moving in my world, even though it is. Really lots of things are great right now.  I am entering my...

If You Aren’t Relishing It, Release It. #tuesdaytip

Spring has Sprung.  April is here!  Have you dipped into Spring Cleaning mode yet?  I don’t know about you, but the word cleaning, is not one that excites me.  What does excite me though, is shedding what I no longer need.   Why do we fill our closets,  fill our...

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