Julia Rockowitz

Julia Rockowitz is a twenty-something illustrator, creative and founder. Like most millennials, you may know her best by her Instagram @rockdoodles where she posts daily punny doodles. In August 2017, Julia started sharing illustrations from her couch and in less than...

I call bullshit on envy, jealousy, and judging others.

    of course the feelings of envy and jealously come up. Of course I catch myself judging others and I don’t enjoy how those  thoughts feelings make me feel!  So tune into watch how I reframe and get through the judgy, jealous thoughts!   Make...

Can you love yourself where you are?

I’ve noticed some things since giving birth this second time. I am way more compassionate with my body. A few times I have noticed myself sitting on the couch and lovingly placing my hand over my pooch of a belly. It doesn’t take long for me to remember,...

My thoughts support me

And if they don’t….kick them the fuck out! Your thoughts run your life. If you are letting the shitty (and often false) ones to run your life you will never ever be fulfilled or happy. This is a huge part of my Be Your Own Joyologist Program. Diving into...

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