What I Ate Wednesday, Vol. 2

Hello. Hello.  Welcome to this week’s edition of WIAW! This week started of the same, as do most days with of course, lemon water!  I then followed it up with my favorite tonic of hot water, lemon, ginger, turmeric, apple cider vinegar, and a touch of honey....

The Italian Food Diaries – Part 1

So, I love love love to share about food and how I eat, BUT I rarely use recipes or measure anything I do.  I am now choosing to share with you food diaries and unrecipe recipes.  I will share what I used and explain my process, but most likely will not have...

Spring Time Mediterranean Quinoa

Quinoa is by far my favorite grains.  Let me give you a few reasons why. Contains all eight amino acids to make it a complete protein Has a protein content equal to milk High in B vitamins, iron, zinc, potassium, calcium & vitamin E Gluten-free; easy to digest...

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