Oct 29, 2018 | Dear Diary
Saturday, I was majorly craving french fries and not just any fries but my favorite fries from a local restaurant that even makes their own ketchup and other dipping sauces, it is all soooo good. BUT, it was a Saturday and I don’t go to that restaurant on...
Jul 16, 2016 | Dear Diary
Somedays I am transported back to a memory of my past, and I think… Why did I do that? Why did I say that? I can’t believe I acted like that. My entire adult life I felt mature for my age. People always thought I was older than I was. I was always the...
Sep 11, 2015 | Your Joyologist-ISMs
Embrace every version of you that was, but realize you are constantly growing, learning, changing. Have no shame, no regrets, no should haves.