
Last week, the ultra inspiring Domino Project released their third title.  First was Seth Godin’s Poke the Box, then Steven Pressfield’s Do the Work, and now Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Self-Reliance. This release is to celebrate Emerson’s 208th...

Poke the Box

A few weeks ago,  I wrote about how I had been picked to be part of Seth Godin’s Domino Project Street Team.  To be honest, I didn’t know what exactly that meant.  To be honest, I didn’t really understand what the Domino Project and re-inventing the...

Curly Girl

This year I have received some truly great greeting cards.  For most of my life, I did not understand the point of cards.   Weren’t they just something for you to know who the present was from?  I never, ever, bought them or gave them myself. Over the last few...

Become Your Dream- James De La Vega

Last night, as I walked home from a yummy slow flow yoga class (or really as I floated home), in the rain I happened to look up and see this sign taped up to the window of an  empty storefront, just above a dumpster. It is not the thing I expect to see scrawled unto a...

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