Kookie Karma Q & A

I have been a fan of Kookie Karma since 2004, I believe. I turned gluten-free that year to manage my fibromyalgia and was always on the lookout for treats that I could eat, but many of them were dry and well, blah. They also had tons and tons of ingredients in them to...


I am so loving that I get to do these giveaway contests of my absolute favorite products! This week’s comes to you from E3Live.  Their products are incredible and I can truly vouch for how well they work.  I was introduced to them in 2007 by a nutritional guru...

O.N.E. Coconut Water

Thank you to all that participated last week for the Healthforce Nutrition Vitamineral Greens! This week there will be 3 winners!  Each winner will get one case of O.N.E’s newest product O.N.E. kids!  The first coconut water-based kid’s drink and the first...

My green shake (aka livelyhood) & Vitamineral Green

Alright!  I have been asked many times what is in my mysterious green shake????  It varies but the mainstays are… Healthforce Nutritions Vitamineral Green hemp protein powder (or a heavy dose of hemp seeds) cacao nibs coconut oil  (sometimes flax oil instead)...

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