You can hear your worries, fears, + doubts and thank them.

    LISTEN + SUBSCRIBE ON APPLE PODCASTS LISTEN + SUBSCRIBE ON SPOTIFY LISTEN + SUBSCRIBE ON STITCHER  In this episode i talk about:     Fears, worries, and doubts will always come up.  I truly believe we create more harm in trying to ignore them.  Tune...

I call bullshit on comparing yourself to others.

Comparisons happen, often without us even trying!   So, here is what I do when I find myself in comparison! Want to get super tuned into you?Start my 31 day I AM CONNECTED TO ME email program today for only $33! Clear out what isn’t serving you! Explore all...

I call bullshit on the fear of failure

This video is closely related to last week’s as I see two major fears that hold us back in life..and how really this big one is really not the fear of failure, but something else…   Watch to see how i reveal that the fear of failure is really the fear...

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