Sep 8, 2015 | Your Joyologist-ISMs
Give yourself a break! Give yourself a couple breaks. How you get better AT EVERYTHING IS TO KEEP AT IT. Whether it is cooking a new meal, attempting a new yoga pose, public speaking, making new friends, speaking your mind — it all grows with you....
May 5, 2015 | Your Joyologist-ISMs
May 2, 2015 | Your Joyologist-ISMs
We just can’t control the timing of WHEN it will be.
Dec 31, 2014 | Dear Diary
2014. The year of so many tears. So many joyful tears. I find myself now, again, crying. Why? I don’t really know. But, yet again, I do. 2014 has been really big year for me. A very full year of working hard, making more of my dreams become reality, of...