Mar 16, 2011 | Dear Diary
First trip back to California, after moving to the city I had always dreamed of living (NYC). I am returning a new person. A new woman. I am a woman now. Not because I have hit the 30 year milestone, because I completely take ownership of my life, now. There is...
Feb 24, 2011 | Favorites, Joy TV, mental check
Kick your guilt and your shame to the curb. Let Go. Allow. Ask yourself, “What do I want?” over and over and over again. Past Journal post on Should’s I am being to the point. And if you need a reminder of ridding yourself from...
Jan 22, 2011 | Dear Diary
I have discovered beauty from the inside out. I have found my path. I trust my path. I am allowing the universe to show up and do its work. I am not stressing or pushing to have a physical result to show people or myself. I am shining from the inside out. I am at...