Valerie Gangas is a speaker, transformational life coach, and author. Her latest book is In Deep Shift: Riding the Waves of Change to Find Peace, Fulfillment, and Freedom (Sounds True; February 14, 2023. Valerie specializes in helping people gain a deeper understanding of who they are, so they can genuinely thrive and unleash their magic more fully. She has worked alongside the David Lynch Foundation and Oprah Winfrey, speaking to large groups nationwide about meditation and the benefits of expanding consciousness, and has contributed to Thrive Global and Spirituality & Health.
On This Episode we talk:
- the path she was on career wise and what the unexpected turn it took
- how she ended up studying transcendental meditation and how it saved her life
- how she ended up training Oprah’s staff to meditate
- the inner nudges that led her to her dream town and the connections she made.
- her journey through grief
- And so much more!
To learn more about Valerie, get her book and more go to valeriegangas.com.
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Forget what you have been told you should do or should be.
Instead ask yourself, “What do I want?
Learn how to listen to what it is that you truly feel & want so that you are living your most present, aligned, and alive life.