Richelle Fredson, book publishing consultant knows all the angles of the publishing biz.
An industry vet, she spent 15 years at Hay House Inc., most recently as the Director of Publicity and Book Marketing, as well as Acquisitions. She works with aspiring and existing authors who are looking to expand their business, create an impact, and shift the current dialogue.
Richelle is known for her unparalleled one-on-one and
group support of aspiring authors. Her expertise, paired with her sharp instincts, has helped hundreds of authors create impactful and marketable book concepts and proposals, resulting in millions of dollars in publishing deals with top publishers.
In this episode we talk about:
Some background in what goes into getting a book deal and why getting support in whatever you want to do can actually save you money and time.
Being bullied for doing the thing she loved but still sticking with it.
How she ended up in PR.
The amazing way she scored the most sought after internship position.
How she ended up in publishing as someone who wasn’t a reader growing up.
Loving a challenge, trying to get authors to breakthrough and booking authors on Oprah.
Being a workaholic overachiever and how it served her for a time but once she went on maternity leave seeing she was ready for a change.
How she sketched out a business where she was doing the things she loved and leaving behind what she didn’t.
Operating in integrity and service.
Checking in with herself about what offerings fill her up.
How valuable it is to talk to people and invest in yourself.
Find more from Richelle at richellefredson.com and @richellefredson
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