WENDY SANFORD grew up in an upper-middle-class white suburban family in Princeton, New Jersey, and attended private schools throughout her life. During the socially turbulent time of the 1970s, she became a feminist, a lesbian, and a Quaker. A founding member of the Boston Women’s Health Book Collective, Wendy coauthored and edited many versions of the women’s health and
sexuality classic Our Bodies, Ourselves from 1973 to 2011. In seminary at Harvard Divinity School in the ’80s, she began to read works of women of color as “devotional reading,” to remedy her previous exclusive exposure to white and mostly male authors. She served for nearly a decade in campus ministry in the Boston area. In her fifties, she began to reckon with her own white skin and the benefits that came to her through being white. In 2003, she earned an MFA in Writing from Vermont College. She is grateful to Mary Norman for partnering with her to create this book. She lives in Cambridge, MA, with Polly Attwood, her spouse of 41 years.
In this episode we talk about:
- how she grew up being cultivated to find the perfect well off man to marry
- suffering from postpartum depression before it was talked about it and how one person’s suggestion changed her life
- discovering feminism
- how she started writing
- what inspired her to share her story now
- why she wrote the book with Mary Norman
LINKS to other things/people/music we mentioned!
PS. If we mentioned something and I forgot to include it here leave a comment and I will track it down for you!
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