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what is in the way of you:

facing your feelings with love and compassion


doubting your doubts


pushing through your fears


healing your shame


Forgiving yourself for what already happened


listening to and trusting yourself


letting go of resentment


transforming your inner judgements


taking action on what you do want to do.


feeling content, fulfilled, enough.


not just going though the motions of life - but being alive and aligned in your own life.


owning who you are fully

I'll tell you what is in your way.

your thoughts and beliefs about yourself and what is possible for you.

Unknowingly (and also knowingly) you are not allowing yourself to feel what you feel, to question your thoughts, and beliefs and simply allowing yourself to be your most alive and aligned self!

It sucks.  BUT, it isn't your fault. 

And you are not stuck with those thoughts, beliefs and behaviors!

YOU can learn to question and shift your thoughts, beliefs and behaviors!
You can learn to have radical self compassion
and to treat yourself with the love and respect you DO deserve.

BUT, first you have to actually acknowledge
your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and actions
so that you can heal and transform them. 

It’s time to face yourself. 

To face the thoughts and beliefs that are manipulating you.  

To bring them to the forefront and get curious about where they came from and *IF* they are really what you believe to be true.  

To get serious and ask yourself *IF* they are really
what you WANT to believe to be true.  

And to not just shift your thoughts but also your actions and environment

There are so many subconscious beliefs that are guiding how you feel about yourself, your life and what is possible for you that are stealing your life from you!

Our entire lives we have been absorbing the “shoulds” of society, of family, of capitalism, of media – of OTHER people! We create our beliefs about ourselves based on others – which is so fucked up!  We take actions that we think other people want us to take or expect of us.   The “shoulds” are more ingrained in you then you think! Trust me I gave up the actual word itself over a decade ago and yet everyday I feel the weight of it trying to confuse me, hold me back, doubt myself and tell me that I am not enough.  F that!

it’s time to own your life!

Come on this journey with me to excavate and heal the shame, regret and resentment of your past.  To acknowledge and question your doubts, fears, inner judgements. To get clear on what it is you want, what you don’t want, and what you will no longer allow.  To understand what boundaries you are setting, with who, and how.  To name what you are prioritizing and to claim how you WILL commit to these and prioritize your own well-being first and foremost now and forever more.  To hold space for all of your feelings and meet yourself with radical self compassion (and others, too).

In order to create thoughts that empower and support you – you have to uncover the ones that are holding you back first!   I will guide you to do that while being tender with yourself and not punishing.  I also won’t be forcing you to simply flip bad to good.  There are steps, and nuances to it all. 

Life is both short AND long.  

And the absolute truth is that we do not know when our life will end. 

While it is unrealistic to “live every day as if it’s your last” – I mean really if it was your last day on earth would you be washing your dishes, running errands, going to work, or taking an online course? NO, you wouldn’t. But, you likely wouldn’t be letting fear, doubts, grudges, shame, resentment and your feelings of not being enough hold you back from enjoying YOUR LAST DAY!

You would say what you wanted, you would wear what you wanted, you would eat what you wanted, you wouldn’t be worried about what other people thought about you.  And if you did it would likely be people with who you wanted to heal a past wound and relationship with. You wouldn’t be worried about people judging you on the last day of your life. You would be doing it your way and being as present as possible.  –  Typing this I am realizing the reality is SOME people MAY actually be worried about being judged for how they would spend the last day of their life! Because unfortunately, that is how you have been conditioned, to care more about what other people think of you – than what you want, than what feels best for YOU!

So, how can you do that? How can you STOP making living and enjoying your life harder than it has to be by not falling a victim to our bullshit thoughts and beliefs that are stealing our joy?

That is what the
own your life container will do for you!

Life will always have it’s challenges, it isn’t always fair BUT I want you to stop making it harder for yourself by letting your doubts, beliefs, and inner judgements of yourself run your life!

The truth is you may be reading this and NOT be present to all the ways you are making enjoying your life and living your life as YOU be harder for yourself.  Because you can’t even see the shoulds that are deeply ingrained in you!  

I will show you, guide you, teach you, empower you -in real time- to see and lovingly question all the thoughts, fears, doubts, judgments, shame and more that come up for you.   

I won’t just be sharing how I do it but actively walking you through it with your own thoughts, fears, doubts, shame, judgments and more.   

And for each one that we uncover we will meet it with love, compassion and celebration.  Yes, celebration – because with every doubt, fear, shame, judgment and more that you uncover, you will be freeing yourself, healing yourself, transforming yourself.     


You have to step into discomfort to break down walls, to open doors, to drop what isn’t yours to carry, to allow yourself to dream, and take action. 

Own you choices.
Own your life.
Own your body.
Own your relationships.
Own your values.   
Own your past.
Own your present.
Own your future. 

matters to you AND WHY!

Here’s the thing… 

I just wrote an entire book uncovering how deeply the “shoulds” are ingrained in us with the goal to support and empower YOU to uncover your thoughts and beliefs in real time so that you can live your most aligned and alive life as it’s happening!  

The book is life changing. – Im not just saying that. I have actually gotten that feedback from readers!    

And what I know to be true is that the reality is many people will buy the book and NOT read it.   

Many will read the book and still struggle to apply what I am sharing to their own lives.   

Many people will read it, and begin to apply it AND could use the support, clarity, direct coaching and exceleration of being called to put the principles of the book into action in this container.

 That is why I have created this 4 month immersion.   

I want you to not only have the information, insights and aha’s that I gave you in the book BUT that to actually take the guidance and apply it to your OWN life while being supported, seen, and heard!

To be clear this immersion program won’t just be going through the book together.  The book will simply be a resource. 

No matter how much work, healing, expansion you have done – there are always more layers.  I myself have been on this self love, self awareness path since the age of 15, I just published my first book, have been a coach for over a decade and am still uncovering more layers.  Don’t let yourself talk yourself out of this because you have already done work.  

Take yourself to the next stage of OWNING YOUR LIFE!

This container will guide you to :




Name, Examine +transform your doubts, fears, resentment, and shame and what is at the root of them.


Call out the BS stories you create and believe about yourself + create a new internal dialogue.


recognize where your "not enough" stories came from and claim your innate worth.


treat yourself with the love, respect + honesty you deserve. you will be BE YOUR OWN BEST FRIEND, INSTEAD OF YOUR OWN WORST ENEMY.


activate radical self campassion as you Embrace, heal, and own who you are fully each day.


confront and heal how you relate to your past actions and what happened to you in the past.


be actionable in prioritizing your own wellbeing, needs + wants.


look deeply at your relationships and environment and instigate changes that support you.


own your worth in your relationships, work, family, body and beyond.


and so much more!


A 4 month container  

where you will be guided, held, empowered, supported and coached in a group and individually.


9 Live go deep group CALLS

The immersion is made up of 8 modules. For each module we will have a LIVE 60-90 interactive Zoom call.   Calls happen bi-weekly. 

During these calls I will be diving into the meat of that module’s focus, sharing my own person experiences and then guiding you, engaging you, questioning you, and supporting you to name and start to transform your own during the call with me.  

A recording will be available if you can’t attend live or want to re-watch later! 

+++ a Final Bonus Send off Call to Close out the container



For each of the 8 modules you will receive journal prompts, action items, and guided audio explorations to do on your own time – or to do during our weekly implementation sessions.  

These prompts will have you diving in deeper to the work of that section beyond what we go into on our live group calls.  They will give you access points to dive into deeper and train you to more awareness and action even after the course ends.  

Weekly implementation sessions

Every week – yes even on the weeks we don’t have deep dive coaching calls – there will still be zoom calls that you can join to get support, coaching and claim time for yourself to do the journaling prompts, guided audio explorations.

You can join the implementation calls at any time throughout the hour to show up for yourself.  There will be space at the top and end of each session for direct coaching. The rest of the time each person will work on their own and can get support via chat if you want it. 

Implementation sessions dates and times will be decided after enrollment closes and I have collected data from the group about availability to accommodate as many container members as possible with differing schedules.  

3 personal SPOTLIGHT calls

You will get to book 3 twenty minute calls with me throughout the four month immersion. These are calls that just you and I will be on so that I can give you individual guidance and support for what comes up for you. You will get to choose the dates and time frames that work for you.  


For every module you will get an email that details the focus, reminds you of the schedule of upcoming calls and implementation sessions, has your journal prompts, action items, guided audio exploration AND mantra screen savers!

If you know me, you know I love to use affirmations, mantras, and powerful phrases to connect to myself and what I want to believe, heal, and transform. For each of the 8 modules you will receive several screen savers with mantras connected to that section to support you, and empower you. 

private community accountability + support space

Besides the live calls and implementation sessions there will be a community support space for you to get extra coaching, support, be heard and empowered. 

I know life will still be happening as we are in this container and so to keep you engaged in the work and actionable I will also be engaging you in our community space, throughout the week.  

You are welcome to go through the program and NOT be a part of this space, but I find being a part of community opens us up more, and deepens the learning, healing and shifting

support kit mailed to you!

Once you sign up, expect a package in the mail in the next week with a copy of F THE SHOULDS. DO THE WANTS. the book, as well as several items from the Your Joyologist shop to support you during and after the four months!


All of the call recordings, action items, journal prompts, guided audio explorations – everything – will be in a secure portal for you to access on your own timing during the course and long after the course ends!


2023 dates yet to be determined. 

who am i?

Hi! I am Tricia Huffman and as far back as I can remember, I was aware of the impact the fear of being judged has on us.  At the age of 15 I came very close to taking my own life, and gave myself an ultimatum to either go through with it or to try life a different way – where I cared more about my own opinion of myself and less about other’s opinions about me. 

I made my first major dream come true (not even knowing what it was called when I decided I wanted to do it)as a touring sound engineer, rising to the top of my field at the age of 25 in a male dominated world.  Getting to this place gave me so many life lessons as I overcame the judgments and societies limits projected at me.

I gave up my dream career and life after my father’s sudden death when he was only 58 to grieve, heal and create some way to shake people up to actually being alive in their lives while they still had one. 

I created a role for Grammy Award winning artists as their touring Joyologist, keeping them healthy and grounded in body and mind so they could stay in integrity with themselves and enjoy the lives they were living.  

I launched my first product, the Own Your Awesome affirmation deck with a successful crowdfunding campaign, host change makers in honest, engaging conversations weekly on my Claim it! Podcast, and created my own daily inspiration APP that has been downloaded in over 100 countries.  My first book F THE SHOULDS. DO THE WANTS. GET CLEAR ON WHO YOU ARE, WHAT YOU WANT, AND WHY YOU WANT IT. was released this year, published by the #1 personal development publisher. 


Accomplishing all of this and more, has been done on my time, in my way, and has had me constantly facing my own internal dialogue, my relationships, my environment and more.  By being tuned to my thoughts, beliefs and feelings I can go after what I want, take long stretches of time off, set boundaries, show up for the people who appreciate me, and most importantly feel fulfilled, alive and aligned in my life every single day. 


Pay in full or choose one of the payment plan options to claim your spot!

Because of the amount of individual attention each person will get in the container there will be a limit on the amount of people enrolled.  

This will be an intimate group!

All payment options get full access to the full offerings of the container.  
And if you REALLY feel called to do this and these are all out of your reach email your joyologist at your joyologist dot com.  There are a couple partial scholarship opportunities available. 

And if you are interested in signing up but want to talk to me first to make sure you understand how the container will flow and to see if it feels like a good fit for you, schedule a FREE 15 call here. 


love for being a part of tricia's programs:

“The program I took with Tricia changed my life and way of thinking. I now have the tools to move forward and love myself for everything I am. I can already notice the difference in my daily life in interactions with others and my reactions to them. . I don’t stress out about things like I used to because the tools Tricia teaches help you to realize there is an opportunity in everything if you just CHOOSE to see it and move toward it. To fall into your fears and overcome them. The program has given me priceless advice and I’d so it all over again.”


If you’ve ever wished you could have a supportive coach and cheer squad behind you while you’re playing the game of life, join this team! You get great tools and training to use in your everyday life to help you through the tough times and celebrate the good times.A no nonsense, easy and practical way to change and appreciate one’s life.


Tricia is with you every step of the way. She has a lighthearted, badass, and loving ability to hear you and respond with solid answers that go deep and can root out the bullshit if you’re ready to release it. As with everything in life, it’s up to each of us to “own our awesome,” and Tricia teaches how to actually put those words into ACTION with applicable tools and lots of love. " 

- Maria

“I absolutely loved the program I did and am so grateful to Tricia for everything she has done! She made it easy and safe to participate in the group and was such a great support and resource during the course. I miss the weekly calls with everyone, it was such a nice, inviting and inspiring space!”


“Tricia Huffman is a major source of inspiration, guidance and yes, joy in my life. I started following her inspiring emails years ago and have since purchased many awesome products, taken her courses, downloaded her app, listened to her podcast and am eagerly awaiting her book – she really has something for everyone. Her approach to life is positive and yet realistic at the same time. Tricia taught me that achieving joy is an ongoing journey and any daily effort will get you closer to where you want to go. She is a constant source of support and will find ways to lift you up when you don’t even realize you need it. I can’t stress enough what a blessing it has been to work with Tricia.”

—Kelly B

"Thank you, Tricia, for your guidance in helping me OWN MY LIFE! Not only did you teach me the skills to recognise how I was letting the shoulds take away my sense of self and purpose, but it helped me find the confidence to say HELL YES to my wildest wants. I’m actually writing this from a jungle cottage overlooking the white sands and blue waters of the Philippine Sea. And to think I almost missed this amazing opportunity because of someone else’s shoulds! I’m F-ing the shoulds, doing the wants, and crafting a life that aligns with my values and desires. I’m forever grateful."

-Love and sunshine from Palawan, Sally R.

“I’ve struggled with self esteem and “enoughness” my entire life. Boundaries can be uncomfortable. Tricia provided tools to work through and really breaks down whatever it is you are going through, reframes the thought process and really does provide a better solution.
Thank you, Tricia, for providing such a safe space to be who we are.”


“I signed up for a 6 week coaching program with Tricia expecting to focus on a significant life stage journey. Instead, I found myself looking deeper within, confronting relationship challenges that I did not know would become part of my transformation; while all along staying curious and hopeful. The little steps I took became great opportunities for me to reexamine myself from a place of gratitude. I found the personal space I needed to create healthy boundaries and happier relationships, all a necessary part of the next adventure (a significant life stage) in my life.”


“Tricia is a wealth of tips and tricks to help improve the thoughts that can make life harder than it needs to be! I have been following her for quite some time, and have bought products, and have recently completed her Be Your Own Joyologist course, which was great! I feel like I have tools to face fears, figure out how I want to think & feel, and how to really appreciate how much choice and freedom I can have! ”


“Tricia gives us permission to pull out that light in us that we work so hard to hide. She is a constant reminder of truth and actively holds you accountable to look in the mirror and love the soul you see. I’d like to say I’m a changed person. It’s more accurate to say that I found my spirit. I fell in deeper love with my soul and shed unnecessary excuses for survival because Tricia guided me through knowing that all I need is LOVE in order to LIVE. ”

- Jocelyn



When you join you will be emailed a link to add the private podcast feed to where ever you normally listen to pocasts, apple, spotify, you name it! The podcasts will load for you there, super easy!

The ebook link will be emailed to you for you to download to your devices and print out if you choose. 


You don't!  Many people enjoy being a part of a group to stay connected, motivated, get clarity and support.  But, you do not need to join the FB group if you don't want to!  I am supportive of everyone knowing what works best for them.   Oh and BTW I only allow loving,  non judgmental conversation in my groups.  I have actually NEVER had a problem with someone being rude or judgmental in any of my programs!  So, if the fear of not having a supportive space is keeping you from joining, that won't happen here.  

I love cheering people on. And often seeing what other people are thinking, feeling and moving through can end up resonating and showing you things from your own life, you hadn't seen. 

How long do I have access to the content?

You have access to the podcast feed for 1 year! And the ebook is yours forever. 

What is your refund policy?

As with industry standard, I do not offer refunds on programs that can be downloaded and viewed and have lifetime access. 

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