One of the most exciting things about living in New York City for me is the Union Square Community Compost drop-off.  I am serious!  After living on a farm, with a full worm composting system I was lost moving to Hermosa Beach and into my beach studio in an apartment complex.  I assumed everyone composted and that community composting existed everywhere.  Apparently, not so much.

Composting may not seem possible in your living situation.  Maybe you live in an apartment building.  Maybe you don’t garden and don’t plan on it.  Maybe you are just not up for it.  I got no problem with that, but do you know what is super easy?  When your community has a local compost!  You just safe your scraps and drop it off!  Can it get much easier?

Yes, someone (several someones)  in the community will be doing work to organize and use the compost and maybe that person can be you!  You can reach out to your local community and get something started!  Small or large.  Maybe a compost just for your apartment complex?  For your neighborhood? For your kids school?  Oh, what if your kids started a project at their school and all of the families could contribute?

There are so many possibilities!  We can all compost and have a place for it to go!  We can all feed off of and feed the earth back!

Check out this site for tips on composting indoors and outdoors.

Oh and by the way.  I am composting from the road this tour.  If you compost and are attending a Jason Mraz show in your town contact me if you are willing to take my daily compost home with you from the show.  I don’t want to waste it!  Check out tour dates here!

I acknowledge the Lower East Side Ecology Project for inspiring me and all of you for knowing that you are making a difference by doing your part!

Happy composting!

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