Do you ever have one of those moments where a truly epic thought pops in your head.  You can feel the possibility of this thought becoming a reality.  You think, “Oh SHIT! This IS IT!” This is what I want! I can make this happen!  YESSSSSS!!!!! This is what I am meant to be doing!

You get all filled up, all lit up, you have your own personal dance party.  You are high on life.

But, then life goes on.  You get busy in the day to day of life.  Time to run errands.  Get to my dinner date.  Do the laundry.  Get to work/school.   Walk your dog.

Maybe that feeling lasts for the rest of the day and you are able to keep it alive as your day goes on.  But, then it slowly slips away.

It is not because it no longer excites you.  It is not because you think you are unworthy of it.  It is not because you think it is impossible.  It is simply because you forget!

Life happens rapidly.  Things pop up.  Schedules are full.  You are bustling  around living, being, doing, and forgetting!

This happens to me, too.  So, what I do now is that when I have a brilliant YES!!!!!!!! moment. I stop what I am doing and write my brilliance down!

My favorite way is to grab my favorite markers and to make a doodle masterpiece.  Write it out short and concise and using language that it will happen.  Such as:

I am
I will

You can address it to the Universe, to whomever you believe in, or simply just state it!


Write it and post it somewhere that you will see it!  You want to remember!  

Post it so it is the first thing that you see when you wake up, in your closet, at your workspace, in your bathroom.  Post it anywhere that you will see it and remember!

The timing for your brilliance might not be right now.  It may take many steps to reach it.  It may not be something that you can create overnight.  But, you want to remember it!


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