Keep Going.

  Give yourself a break! Give yourself a couple breaks. How you get better AT EVERYTHING IS TO KEEP AT IT. Whether it is cooking a new meal, attempting a new yoga pose, public speaking, making new friends, speaking your mind — it all grows with you....

Their Choices Are Their Choices.

  A powerful affirmation and reminder for us all. We are so quick to judge and often times we judge those we we love the most the harshest, because we want the best for them. But we have to allow them to live their life their way, to learn as they go, to carve...

Fresh Start for September + A Giveaway!

Whether you are eons away from the world of back to school, are going back to school yourself, or sending your mini me’s off…September just feels like a time for fresh starts! I looooove the summer.  Love the sun and swimming and longer days, but I have to...

This moment is yours.

  You don’t have to let the past screw it up. You don’t have to let anyone rain on your parade. You don’t have to waste it worrying about what may or may not happen.

When I Take Care of Myself, I am a Better Human.

Seriously, this is the truth. When I take care of myself, I am a better friend, a better listener, a better daughter, sister, human. Today, I feel like crap and if I don’t do anything about it I will treat others like crap.  It is just what happens.  When I am...

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