May 29, 2014 | Your Joyologist-ISMs
Feb 13, 2011 | Health + Wellness
My biggest message is for you to fully love and accept yourself, no matter who that is and no matter what anyone else thinks or what their idea of you is. My new friend Cari Kamm, has written a novel focusing on just that, Fake Perfect Me. The novel is the most...
Jun 22, 2010 | Dear Diary
How lucky are we to have found each other? How lucky are we to have lived this life? How lucky are we to know what we know? How lucky are we to get to do this all? How can I define who I am, without you? You have done everything for me, just in you being you. You...
Jun 21, 2010 | Dear Diary
Hello all. I have so much to write about, but have not given myself the time to do so! It will be coming soon. I sent an email to a friend today, for no reason at all and as I re-read it I realized this can apply to us all. So, read this as if I sent it direct to you....