Slow Down Feel Love

Alright, so here is the thing about me.  I only promote things that I absolutely love and 100% fully support, even if it is a product of a friend of mine.  I don’t just push it along and share it with others, either on here or in my personal day to day...

Home is Whenever I’m With You.

This made me cry, it is so adorable!  Let yourself be moved and inspired by love in the purest form.  Father and daughter joined in song.  Listen to that soul and the way she looks at her Daddy

Free yourself from judgement.

We, as people really seem to love to judge. I witness Raw foodists judging vegans. I witness Vegans judging vegetarians. I witness Vegetarians judging meat eaters. I witness meat eaters judging non-meat eaters. I witness the health conscious judging the...

Avasa & Matty Love

Wow!  I really didn’t know what I was in for!  I am so happy that I clicked on a friend’s link on facebook this morning!  This was the perfect music to start my day and everyday!  Take a listen here and then go buy it for yourself and share it with all! ...

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