I am being 30.

I did it! I turned 30! I have always felt much older than my actual age and never got caught up on the number.  A good majority of my friends and people that I have worked with are far, far older than I (twice my age) and I never felt out of place.  To tell you the...

Sometimes I forget.

Sometimes I forget. I forget what my passion is, what my why is, what my gift to the world is.  I don’t mean forget as in I become, depressed, or sad, or lonely.  I just enjoy such small things that I forget about all of the projects I am creating to serve...

I choose to live.

It is currently 4:22PM on Tuesday.  I am sitting on my sofa (new sofa! I have furniture!)  catching up on a few of my friend’s blogs via the interweb on my laptop.  I am somewhat wasting time. I have a client session at 6PM.  My plan for today was to write. ...

I am being in ecstatic bubble state

I am living in an ecstatic bubble state. Sometimes tears start to roll from my eyes as a result of the pure bliss I find myself in. I hear someone thinking as they read this, “What happens when the bubble pops?” The bubble doesn’t pop, it may deflate...

I am Being my fairytale

  I have been having a love affair with my laptop, or more so the internet.  I am search, search, searching away for a NYC sublet.  I am creating my website (which will be launching soon at yourjoyologist.com).  I am looking into flights, ways to move, subletting...

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