You can hear your worries, fears, + doubts and thank them.

    LISTEN + SUBSCRIBE ON APPLE PODCASTS LISTEN + SUBSCRIBE ON SPOTIFY LISTEN + SUBSCRIBE ON STITCHER  In this episode i talk about:     Fears, worries, and doubts will always come up.  I truly believe we create more harm in trying to ignore them.  Tune...

I call bullshit on comparing yourself to others.

Comparisons happen, often without us even trying!   So, here is what I do when I find myself in comparison! Want to get super tuned into you?Start my 31 day I AM CONNECTED TO ME email program today for only $33! Clear out what isn’t serving you! Explore all...

It never goes away.

Whatever it is that you have been pushing down, around, or hiding is not going to go away until you deal with it, make peace with it, get clear with them and you.  

I solemnly swear….

Quit stressing about what you can’t control. Quit worrying about what is out of your hands. Quit creating and feeding into drama and gossip. Cut out all of the bullshit unnecessary suffering that we humans inflict upon ourselves! Are you with...

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