Holy Choco Shake

4 frozen bananas 3/4 cup of hemp milk (you can use almond milk or coconut water instead too) 3 heaping TBLS of cacao powder 2 heaping TBLS of carob powder 1 heaping TBLS of maca ( I used Healthforce Nutritions vanilla spice macaforce) little dash of stevia All of this...

Navitas Organic Superfood Chocolate Kit

This is the best thing ever! I don’t know about you, but if I buy anything Cacao/chocolate I am lucky if any of it makes it back to my house with me. With this super-easy kit I can make the chocolate whenever I want, but I actually get to think about if I really...

Choco Chip Raw Balls

This was a little Oh my goodness I have a sweet tooth and I must have something right now! concoction. Shredded coconut Dates Cacao nibs 1 tbls almond butter 1 tbls raw honey  (you can use any sweetener of your choice) dash of salt 1 tsp vanilla Combine all into a...

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