The goodbyes have started. This month I am making the most of my time and making sure to spend time with loved ones all over before I leave on my trip to India and beyond. This week I saw some people that are a regular part of family community and realized this would be the last time I would be seeing them. I hugged one of my ex-roommates and beloved friends last night goodbye and the tears came flowing. Now, I know that this is not goodbye, that I will be seeing them again in my life and that I will keep in contact with them on my journey. I am used to goodbyes, because I am traveling most of the time anyway. But, this is different because I am starting a new chapter in my life. I have no idea who I am going to be when I come back or even where I will be coming back to.
For the first time in my life, I feel like I have fully let go of all attachments. Attachments to physical items, attachments to people, attachments to ideas about myself, attachments to my past and attachments to my future. I have no idea what is going to happen on this trip and I have no idea how long I will be away, or even where I will be and I am so ready for that. I have no fear about it. I feel completely at peace.
The next chapter is happening.
In three words, I can sum up everything I know about life: it goes on.
Robert Frost
You definitely do sound ready for your adventure.Keep that optomistic will get u far… BTW Mr. Frost was not only smart, creative but right…
"Attachments to physical items, attachments to people, attachments to ideas about myself, attachments to my past and attachments to my future" – this is exactly the reason why you will be at Home where ever you are Tricia. Our best moments arise when we are free from all ideas…when we have freed ourselves from the confines of our learned ideas.
The mystery and adventure of your own limitless being will greet you every step of the way and will come to face you through the eyes of every face you meet. This is all already something amazing.
love love love
I think of peace as being in alignment with your soul. The big YOU coalescing with the little you. We try to hit it here and there but to live each moment free of attachment and free of fear is rare…you will be who you will be when you return and you will magnify your current magnificence.
Go. Expand. Have FUN!
How wonderful for you. I would say "have a great trip" but you hardly need to be told that. I'll just say CONGRATULATIONS on the next leg of this trip we call life 🙂
I hope to be able to follow your journey through India and any part of life. It's a way to live vicariously through your experience so keep blogging 🙂
Que te vaya muy bien!
Feliz año 2010, Nova Vida Feliz!
your blog entries have been mirroring my feelings of life right now. thnx for the quote. xo