Sarah Komers is a wife and mama to 3 tiny humans (and 2 fur babies). In 2013, she started by selling bibs and headbands for babies and then soon pivoted to selling tees and tanks for moms and dads by highlighting the salty/sweet sides of parenthood with her brand, Mom Culture. Her phrases like “Support your fellow Mamakind”, “Raising tiny humans is exhausting” and “Raise Good Humans” resonate deeply with her amazing customers on a personal level.
In this episode we talk about:
- her story with a traumatic birth and advocating for herself when no one would listen to her knowing something was wrong
- how this traumatic birth experience changed her perspective on life and inspired her creating her own business
- leaving home at 17
- living with someone with mental illness and choosing to cut ties with them to stay healthy herself.
- her imposter syndrome on running a mom business when she doesn’t have a relationship with her own mother
- knowing when to leave a relationship that isn’t supporting you
- missing the idea of someone and what you want them to be for you
- starting her own business started to fill a void for creativity and seeing she wanted more for herself
- how reaching out to collaborate with another brand shaped the path of her business
- attending the university of google to learn how to run your own product based business
- the hardships of running a product based business
- what inspired her change from her original brand name Weestructed to Mom Culture and the fears that came with that
- having other brands big and giant rip off her trademarked phrases
- her commitment to being real on her instagram to inspire other mama’s to be gentler to themselves
- how judging others doesn’t make you better then them
- where I think judgments come from
- letting go of relationships because they aren’t making us feel great about ourselves
- Which keychain she chose from my line and why!
You can find more from Sarah and The Mom Culture on Instagram at @themomculture and www.momculture.com
Make sure to check out my September partner Saaltco and their Back to School Campaign to raise awareness on Period Poverty at @saaltco www.saaltco.com and use code “claimit” for 10% off on their site to get yourself a period cup from them, seriously a game changer!
You can also grab one at your local Target!
LINKS to other things/people/music we mentioned!
PS. If we mentioned something and I forgot to include it here leave a comment Beand I will track it down for you!
Loved By Hannah and Eli The other Sarah with the mom brand she collaborated on early on
Spoonflower custom fabric
My video on there being space for you.
Subscribe to the podcast and rate it, it helps! And if you send me a screenshot of your review to podcast at yourjoyologist dot com, you will be entered to win a surprise box from my product line!
Forget what you have been told you should do or should be.
Instead ask yourself, “What do I want?
Learn how to listen to what it is that you truly feel & want so that you are living your most present, aligned, and alive life.