Nancy Levin is a Master Coach, podcast host and bestselling author of several books including her latest, The Art of Change. Formerly the Event Director at Hay House for over a decade, Nancy is the founder of Levin Life Coach Academy offering in-depth coaching, training and certification programs designed to support students to vividly live at center stage of their own life.
On This Episode we talk:
- What led her from being a NYC city business person to getting a masters in poetry in Boulder, CO.
- How she started as an event planner and then became the go to event planner for wellness and personal development companies.
- Going from creating and leading all of the top personal development publishers to being one of their authors.
- Writing her way through the healing and grieving of her divorce.
- How she became not only a master life coach but creating her own school to teach others to be a life coach with tools, resources, and support.
- What inspired her newest book that is a guided journal.
- And so much more!
Find more from Nancy and get her books at https://nancylevin.com/
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Forget what you have been told you should do or should be.
Instead ask yourself, “What do I want?
Learn how to listen to what it is that you truly feel & want so that you are living your most present, aligned, and alive life.