After starting her company, she wanted to use her ups and her downs to help other women become valued as experts in their industry.
Jess is the author of Chasing the Bright Side (2019) and Create Your Bright Ideas (2022) and creator of Mic Drop Workshop, an e-learning company that helps women tell and sell their stories as thought leaders. For three years, Jess lived and traveled full-time in her Airstream with her husband, Jake, and their 70 lb dog, Ollie. Now they reside in Raleigh, NC.
On This Episode we talk:
Growing up with her sister being the star of everything and her being more in the background.
Her family losing all her money to Bernie Madoff (who was her uncle) when she was a senior in high school and how that had a lasting impact on her.
How really your grades in school don’t impact your job or career path.
Thinking about life not in the frame of if you knew you couldn’t fail what would you do but what would you still do if you knew you were going to fail.
How most things take much longer and are more work than we think but to not let that stop you and give up.
Looking at life as an experiment
Where her amazing company (that is now selling in Kohl’s) Headbands of Hope started.
The first business deal she made, and what kept her going when it didn’t work out.
Learning to do the math on yeses, and nos to find a conversion rate – knowing she would eventually get a yes.
How she accidentally became a speaker trying to pitch her headbands to fellow classmates.
- And so much more!
Go check out her work and get her book at https://jessekstrom.com and @jess_eckstrom
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Forget what you have been told you should do or should be.
Instead ask yourself, “What do I want?
Learn how to listen to what it is that you truly feel & want so that you are living your most present, aligned, and alive life.