regenerative agriculture, a key solution to our world’s biggest crises. His greatest hope is that, through awakening to the opportunities of regeneration, people know they can help change the world. He believes that with enough new advocates promoting the ancient wisdom, pioneering holistic thinking, and new science of regenerative agriculture and ecosystem restoration we can heal our planet – together.
In this episode we talk about:
- growing up outside Ithica NY being loosely homeschooled by his parents with his 3 brothers until 8th grade
- witnessing at an early age how willing people are to side with, or not stand up to bullies because of their insecurities
- starting to play music when his family took a 10 month road trip across the country
- the evolutions of his bands with his brothers and putting everything into “making it”
- getting a record deal and it falling through
- looking back what he would have done differently as a musician trying to support himself solely on music
- how attending a lecture on soil changed the direction of his life
- making a commitment to meet up weekly to talk about and explore ideas of how to spread the information on how we can reverse climate change with soil
- the aha moment he had with a government official that led to him getting into policy work to make change in local government
- seeing the need to have a bite sized engaging piece of information out to spread the word and how creating that put Kiss the Ground on the map internationally
- how the documentary of Kiss the Ground came to be and all of the offerings they now have to spread the word, give scholarships to farmers and more
- the top thing we can do at home to make an environmental impact
Make sure to watch Kiss the Ground documentary on Netflix and check out their website to learn more! https://kisstheground.com
You can also follow them at @kisstheground
and Finian at @finianmakepeace
LINKS to other things/people/music we mentioned!
PS. If we mentioned something and I forgot to include it here leave a comment and I will track it down for you!
Jon Marro episode
Justin Willman episode
Jason Mraz episode
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