Chrissy King is a writer, speaker, educator, and former strength coach with a passion for creating a diverse and inclusive wellness industry. She empowers individuals to stop shrinking, start taking up space, and use their energy to create their specific magic in the world. With degrees in Social Welfare and Justice and Sociology from Marquette University, Chrissy merges her passion for fitness to inspire members of the wellness industry to create spaces that allow individuals from all backgrounds to seen feel, welcomed, affirmed, and celebrated.
On This Episode we talk:
- how she somewhat fell into her first career.
- what led her to becoming a personal trainer.
- the steps she took to create her own online business as a trainer and the value of having a coach supporting her.
- starting as a fitness professional following what she felt she should do.
- what showed up for her when she did a simple google search of women doing push ups to find some images to use.
- the article she longed to share for months but was afraid to and what happened when she finally did.
- changing her own relationship with wellness, fitness and more as she was growing her practice.
- how the fitness and industry is not inclusive and the awareness she has been sharing on that.
- the wellness industry and how it can make people feel unwell in the pursuit of it.
- orthorexia and how being well can steal our joy and lives.
- How we can watch what other people do and eat but don’t have to compare ourselves to them.
- why she chose the word LIBERATION.
- And so much more!
To learn more about Chrissy, get her book, take her workshops and more go to https://chrissyking.com/
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Forget what you have been told you should do or should be.
Instead ask yourself, “What do I want?
Learn how to listen to what it is that you truly feel & want so that you are living your most present, aligned, and alive life.