Alison Faulkner is a branding and events expert, host of the podcast Awesome with Alison a top 100 health and wellness podcast, consultant for Fortune 500 companies, writer, speaker, self-proclaimed nonsense dancer, and CEO of Alison’s Brand School, partnering with Microsoft and Alaska Airlines among others. Alison is obsessed with her kids, husband, family, and friends
On This Episode we talk:
What she was like in high school and how she is very much the same person.
Wanting to be a journalist writer from a young age
Her experience with the religion she grow up with and moving to a pace where the religion was central
Her journey to being religiously fluid and spiritually fluid.
Her fears of what she thinks people may think of her for being raised Mormon
How our markers of past and how and where we are raised doesn’t have to define us.
Writing a book about inherent wholeness that is spiritually sneaky
How nuisance is not often used in consuming social media
Going to trauma response from the heightened pressure on social media to speak up
Going on an internet hiatus and using her own book to heal herself.
- Our bond from the word “awesome”.
- The many creative endeavors she has had from a cookie course, to dance parties, to branding with major corporations
- Having a moment that had her ask herself at what age was I that told myself I wasn’t allowed to make mistakes?
- how having success online can mess with what is the real you and what you are doing for an audience.
- calling people brave for being themselves and how that can land.
- how self compassion creates so much healing for ourselves and connection to others.
- the shame that exists in pain – including physical pain.
- How her book got it’s title.
- Why the book uses “shifts”.
and so much more!
Find more from Alison, get her book and follow her at https://alisonfaulkner.com/ @thealisonfaulkner
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Forget what you have been told you should do or should be.
Instead ask yourself, “What do I want?
Learn how to listen to what it is that you truly feel & want so that you are living your most present, aligned, and alive life.