Go To’s to soothe my body, mind and nervous system
You may or may not know that I suffer from chronic pain, aching joints, and lots of other bodily issues. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia at age 18, was given four different prescriptions which did little to help and gave me more problems. So, I took my health and wellness into my own hands.
My condition and how my body feels has shifted through the years, months and even day to day and throughout the day. While having this pain – is a major pain, it has also taught me that the best thing that I can do for myself and for those in my life is to take care of myself. That it is for everyone’s best to do the things that my body and mind needs instead of just pushing, pushing, pushing.
I have been asked over the years many times for what I do to help my aches and pains and so I am putting a list together for you!
My number one favorite thing to do at any time of the day is to use my infrared sauna blanket. This thing works miracles on my body, mind, spirit, and nervous system. I put on a long sleeve shirt, pants and socks. Get two big bottles of water nearby, turn on a show and lay in this thing and sweat for 45-60 minutes. It soothes my muscles and joints, detoxifies my body and gives me such a reset. Every time I do it I feel so refreshed. It gives me energy when I do it early or mid day and helps me sleep when I do it end of day! They offer an interest free payment plan, which I used And I have a code JOY75 to give you $75 off.
This pressure point alignment tool is something I found at a yoga center way back in 2004 and have kept it with me ever since. I don’t roll on it, I start at the top of my neck, lay for at least 10 breaths then move it down to the next vertebrae and keep on going until I get to my butt. This was how I was told to use it years ago. Some parts will really feel a lot of things activated, some will feel easy. I always feel a tremendous relief in my body after using it.
Another tool I picked up over a decade ago on some trip overseas was a similar version of these acupressure sandals. They are weird, but they do help. I can only wear them for a few minutes at a time and then build my tolerance up. I often forget about these so when I am having a flare up I will leave them in the kitchen as a reminder to put them on as I make tea or cook. Amazon has many choices and I couldn’t find the ones I have but I bet they are all pretty similar.
Epsom salt baths happen every week for me. When I am having a particularly hard week they may even happen nightly. Or I swap off from the infrared sauna blanket some nights, baths others. I used to NOT be a bath person and then I realized it was because I put the water too hot to make it comfortable for me! Now I will lay in the bath for 45 minutes easy soaking, relaxing and reading. They really do help me! You can get epsom salts and any pharmacy, target, walmart, or grocery, but of course amazon has them too!

What I eat also really effects me. I gave up in gluten way back in 2004 and it has made a huge difference in how I feel. I had to completely eliminate it, not just eat a little. This means no bites, or “cheats”. If I have even the smallest bit by accident I feel it in my body for 10-14 days. I also need to eat good amounts of healthy fats to feel my best and regularly eating high probiotic rich fermented food also helps a ton.
And moving my body – even when it feels so stiff, soar, and in so much pain really does help me. Sometimes I will be in pain for a good 15 minutes before I feel a release but then when I do it is so worth it.
My favorite ways to get in movement are just easy walking around the neighborhood, bouncing on a rebounder (great for the lymphatic system- I have had mine for nearly 10 years but if I was buying new I would get this brand), and I got a peloton bike at the start of 2019 (using their interest free payment plan option) and it has been SO worth it! I also do yoga on my own or following teachers on the Peloton app. My favorites are Cody for the bike and Chelsea, Anna and Kristin for yoga. (You can use code: T5ZCB4 to get $100 off accessories if you choose to buy a bike yourself!)
Forget what you have been told you should do or should be.
Instead ask yourself, “What do I want?
Learn how to listen to what it is that you truly feel & want so that you are living your most present, aligned, and alive life.