I keep checking my arms to see if they have turned into wings, I feel as if I am soaring. I am currently sitting at my desk, which is next to the glass sliding door of my balcony, drinking my morning Mate’ and water. When I get up to use the restroom or do whatever it is I do, I find myself randomly doing handstands before I sit back down. The world belongs to me and I belong to it. Each breathe that a take helps me to grow and supports the growth around me as well. I look out and see a tree outside of my balcony. We are growing together, we are blooming together, this tree and I. What are said tree and I doing to support this growth, you ask? We are simply being. We are breathing, we are conscious, we are connected. We are touched, moved and inspired by everything that is around us.

Tears are welling up in my eyes as I type this. To an outsider, I may appear as a girl alone at home in the middle of the day in her pajamas with mussed hair, unwashed skin, and unbrushed teeth, crying in sadness or loneliness. To me though, I am the world. I am joy. I am love inspiring. I am anything and everything. From me anything can be created. This is the life I have. This is the life I was given. This is the life that I have created. My heart, my soul, my entire being is soaring.

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